Contato & Localização

Acompanhe a Casa da Xiclet no Facebook.
E no canal do YouTube.

Horário de Funcionamento
ter. a sex.; das 14h/20h, sab. e dom.; das 14h/18h.

R. Fradique Coutinho, 1855 – Vila Madalena
São Paulo-SP, CEP 05416-012, Brasil
Perto do Metrô Vila Madalena.

Como Chegar

9 thoughts on “Contato & Localização

  1. Ol%C3%A1,%20domingo%20dia%2017%20de%20mar%C3%A7o,%20no%20sharaton%20S%C3%A3o%20paulo%20Hotel,%20teremos%20o%20lan%C3%A7amento%20a%20CiaoTelecom,%0D%0AA%20CiaoTelecom%20atua%20no%20ramo%20de%20telefonia%20celular,%203g%20e%20tv%20por%20assinatura,%20entre%20diversos%20outros%20produtos%20de%20tecnologia%20de%20ponta,%0D%0Ae%20esta%20construindo%20sua%20equipe%20de%20Marketing%20Multi%20N%C3%ADvel%20no%20brasil,%20prometendo%20ser%20o%20maior%20suscesso%20do%20MMM%20no%20mundo.%0D%0AVoc%C3%AA%20que%20tem%20um%20site,%20e%20%C3%A9%20focado%20no%20mundo%20virtual,%20tem%20vis%C3%A3o%20de%20neg%C3%B3cio,%20e%20%C3%A9%20empreendedor,%20n%C3%A3o%20pdoe%20ficar%20fora%20dessa.%0D%0AN%C3%A3o%20perca%20tempo,se%20cadastre%20e%20se%20posicione%20em%20uma%20posi%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20previlegiada%20na%20rede%20enquanto%20%C3%A9%20cedo%20e%20ganhe%20muito%20dinheiro.%0D%0AAtenciosamente.%0D%0A%0D%0AVendasCiao%0D%0A%0D%0ACadastre-se%20aqui%20


  2. casadaxicletoficial,

    Don’t you wish you had a chance at being Instagram cool?

    Have you ever wondered how to be an Instagram Influencer?

    Now, imagine that it’s Friday and you’ve just woken up from a sound summer-time nap.

    Roll over, check your phone.

    Make your way to your page.

    Wow, you think, Over 800 likes on a single picture.

    You put your super-duper soft slippers on and head to the kitchen for some tea. After putting on the kettle, you pull out your phone again.

    Bam! Another 87 likes.

    And here comes another message. It is from some follower asking about your life, and congratulating you on your sixth official month of practicing yoga.

    A grin grows on your face as you see another message. This person emailed you to let you know she loves your posts.

    As you sip your tea, you start typing up a response. But then your phone buzzes.

    Oops, another ping. But you can’t reply—you’ve got to hit the gym.
    Let’s stop the simulation there. People have a hard time getting what they want in life. People can hardly get themselves to eat a good breakfast.

    Now, this is the point in time where you learn to take control of your Instagram.

    Imagine if you could raise your engagement by 100%, or 1000%?

    It is not complicated to do, although almost no one does. Just visit our website. There, you will learn how to garner Instagram likes and followers like mad…effortlessly.

    Automagically see tons of likes on your images just minutes after posting.

    If you are anything like our other clients, you will have a great chance of hitting the “Top Post” section in a very short time.

    This is all great, but you’ve actually got to put in the work to make it happen. OK, you got me, it’s not real work.
    1. Check out
    2. Enter your Instagram username.
    3. Your 3 most recent uploads will get 10 – 15 likes. Just like that.

    Being a everyday name on that page will supercharge your growth 10x, easy. You know where the answer to fame is. Now reach for it. Are you ready?

    Chow until next time


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